Visiting Schools To Understand The Progress of Lanterns Making

访问学校了解学校参加灯笼设计比赛状况a 20-8-13

Pix shows: President (centre) presenting KKCCCI Handbook to Head Master Mr. Dai Ri Wen of SJK (C) Chung Hwa, Likas

访问学校了解学校参加灯笼设计比赛状况 20-8-13

Pix shows: President (2nd left) presenting KKCCCI Handbook to Sabah Tshung Tsin Secondary School’s Principal Hiew Hoh Shin

On 20th August, 2013, President Michael together Ho Fui Khiong, Ho Thau On, Syau Kin Lin visited Sabah Tshung Tsin Secondary School, Kian Kok Middle School,  SJK (C) Chung Hwa Likas, SJK (C) St. James Likas, SJK (C) Lok Yuk, and SRJK Chung Hwa Kota Kinabalu to find out the progress of lanterns making for the competition on National Day.