Visit by Miri CCCI Delegates

Datuk Seri Panglima presenting memento to Dato Sim Hock Guan

On 6th July, 2010, President Dato Sim Hock Guan of Miri Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry together with 15 members held a dialogue session with our chamber and they were entertained at Promenade Hotel. Views on inter Sabah-Sarawak trade, and education had been exchanged.

Datuk Seri reiterated that KK and Sarawak always have close relationships, and there are many Sarawakians investing in Sabah, especially helping the development of KK city. President Sim also reciprocated invitation to our chamber to attend their 85th Anniversary Celebration on 4th September, 2010.

Representatives of Curtin University Miri Branch, one Miri Technical College and Borneo Tropical Resorts also promoted the university colleges and their resorts.