Signing Ceremony Of The Menggatal Chinese Cemetery

Datuk Seri (right) exchanging signed documents with Yong Soo Pin@Yong Su Ping

On 12th December, 2011 at the Promenade Hotel, KKCCCI and United Sabah Chinese Communities Association of Kota Kinabalu concluded the development of the new Menggatal Chinese Cemetery, witnessed by YB Datuk Dr. Yee Moh Chai, the Deputy Chief Minister cum Minister of Resource Development and Information Technology.  The signatories for KKCCCI were Datuk Seri Panglima Sari Nuar, Datuk John Su Haw Tieng, and Datuk Chong Choon Kim, and on behalf of the United Sabah Chinese Communities Association of Kota Kinabalu were the Yong Soo Pin@Yong Su Ping, John Lim Yu Sin, JP and Leong Pak Hin.