Public Hearing on The Proposed Block Exemption for Liner Shipping Agreements by MyCC

反对实施集体豁免令新闻发布会 25-2-13
Peter Tiew (front row 3rd from left), and other members objecting to the proposed exemption

On 25th February, 2013, the KKCCCI Director of  Commerce and Industry, Mr Peter Tiew and Executive Secretary Loh Boon Hooi as well as Wong Ing Chung and Yohanes Imo Chong attended “Public Hearing on Block Exemption” organized by The Malaysia Competition Commission (MyCC) at Magellan Sutera Resort Kota Kinabalu.

MyCC received collective application from Malaysia Ship-owners Association (MASA), and Shipping Association of Malaysia (SAM) and the Federation of Malaysia Port Operators (FMPOC).  The senior officer from MyCC chaired the hearing session to receive views from Sabah’s trade associations for him to compile report for the month of June.

KKCCCI and representatives of trade associations attending the session objected to the proposed exemption, and requested that there ought to have a second session after more detailed information and materials were released by MyCC.