Mass Weddings On 12.12.12

12-12-12 集体结婚
Group photo of officials and the newly wed couples. (From front left – with coats): Peter Tiew Sii Neng, Chung Wan Kiong, Datuk Chong Choon Kim, Michael Lui Yen Sang, Datuk John Su Haw Tieng, Datuk Ricky Chang Kon Fah, Mej. (K) Chang Chin Shin

On 12th December, 2012, KKCCCI organized mass wedding to commemorate the auspicious day with the theme:”Eternal Love Of Loving Couples soaring Like Birds”.

The Registrars of Marriages on duty included Mej. (K) Chang Chin Shin, Datuk Chong Choon Kim, Peter Tiew Sii Neng, Chung Wan Kiong and Kuo Yin Jan.