KKCCCI Centerinian Celebration cum World Women’s Day Celebration

Datuk Seri presenting the long service award to Madam Cheng Kuo Poa

In conjunction with the 100th Anniversary Celebration of World Women’s Day on 8th March, 2011, KKCCCI presented long service awards to 12 outstanding ladies in Kota Kinabalu.

The recipients were: Puan Sri Yeh Lim York Sham, Madam Cheng Kuo Poa, and dedicated educationist awards to Madam Cao Jing Ying, Madam Wong Ing Hung, Datin Kong Ho Yii, Datin Wong Ing Huong, Datin Margaret Bu Jen Fong, Datin Lee Len Jin, Lim Kim Hong, Datin Kung Juk Len, Madam Poh Shuk Kheng, and Madam Phang Siew Khim.