Entertaining PRC Fujian Overseas Chinese Bureau Delegation

接待中国福建省侨办代表团 26-6-13
KKCCCI members with Fujian Overseas Chinese Bureau’s delegates.

On 26th June, 2013, the KKCCCI hosted lunch at Port View Seafood Village for the visiting delegation from Fujian Overseas Chinese Bureau, headed by the Deputy Bureau Chief Ye Kang Yong.  President Michael Lui together with William Chia, Yee That Hian, Chia Fook Soon, Peter Tiew, Lim Hon Min, Low Wai Meng, Datuk Mary Ling, Chao Len Ting, Szeto Wing Yee, Lo Yun Choi, Stanley Chin, Loh Boon Hooi, and Tan Kar Seng.

After lunch, President Michael Lui together with President of FCAS, Datuk T.C. Goh accompanied the delegates to visit Minister of Special Functions in the Chief Minister’s Department, YB Datuk Teo Chee Kang.