Dinner with The Malaysian Chinese Supervisors of Chinese Language Teaching and Education Supervisors of Chinese Primary Schools

款待全国各州的华文科督学和华小组督学 20-6-13
KKCCCI Management Committee members and the guests

On 20th June, 2013, KKCCCI hosted a dinner at New WK Restaurant at Luyang for the education workers of Chinese Language and Supervisors of Chinese Primary Schools from Education Departments throughout Malaysia who were attending a special conference in Kota Kinabalu.  Those from KKCCCI Management Committee members included VPs William Chia, Mej (K) Chang Chin shin, JP., Lui Kam Ling, Pang Nyuk Pin and John Wong, as well as Albert Kok, Peter Chong Su Leong, Peter Tiew, Kwong Kwai Kiong and  Chung Wan Kiong.