Press Conference

From left: Wei Peng(Switflet Association),Datuk Wong(FCAS),Datuk Seri Panglima,Datuk Lau,Peter Tiew,Alex Cham

On 24th July, 2010, KKCCCI together with The Federation of Chinese Associations Sabah(FCAS) in conjunction with Swiftlet House and Bird Nest Industry Association held a press conference at Promenade Hotel on “Sabah State Dialogue Session on Swiftlet and Bird Nest Industry”.

Initiated by Federation of  Chinese Associations Sabah, Mr Peter Tiew Sii Neng, Director of Commerce and Industy, KKCCCI and his committee would organize the dialogue session on 31st July, 2010 at the Multi – purpose Hall of KKCCCI, inviting the relevant officials from the government departments who would be instrumental in drawing up guidelines to regulate the young industry in Sabah.  The enthusiasts and the players of the industry throughout the state would also participate.

In view of the fact that there are no consistent guidelines regulating the growing number of entrepreneurs venturing into the new business venture.  As a result, there are varying degrees of complaints on the environmental pollution in the urban area.  The dialogue session thus was to work out certain workable guidelines with the government authorities.

Those present at the press conference included KKCCCI representatives such as Datuk Seri Panglima Sari Nuar, JP, Peter Tiew Sii Neng, Alex Cham Nyik Vun, Soo Shau Kiong, Tang Yew Hia, Yap Tang Ying and Dr. Chang Sui Loong, together with the Deputy Chairman of Swiftlet House and Bird Nest Association, Datuk Wong Phin Chung, JP.